Lib Dems triumph in Hexham East by-election

Suzanne Fairless-Aitken won a stunning victory for the Liberal Democrats in the Hexham East by-election on 16th December, gaining the seat from the Tories and there
by depriving them of overall control of Northumberland Council.
The full result was as follows:
Liberal Democrats 584 votes (47.3%, +11.7%)
Conservative 370 votes (29.9%, -13.9%)
Labour 154 votes (12.5%, -8.1%)
Independent 127 votes (10.3%, +10.3%)
LibDem majority 214
Having topped the poll for the same seat in the Hexham Town Council elections in May, Suzanne was back to pick up the county seat this time with a 12.8% swing from the Tories to the LibDems.
After her victory Suzanne said "the voters have sent a message that they have had enough of being taken for granted and being taken for fools. Hexham had a great pick of candidates, but this has been about change and that starts at the grassroots".
Commenting on the result, LibDem Group Leader Jeff Reid said "This puts the council back to no overall control, but I don't think the Tories have been in control anyway. As far as Hexham East is concerned, Suzanne Fairless-Aitken is going to be great, she is already on the town council, has some new ideas and will be a fantastic county councillor".
The win in Hexham came on the same day as LibDem Helen Morgan overturned a 23,000 Conservative majority in North Shropshire to become the party's newest MP.